I have been teasing you guys with the news for over a month now but Taco Bell has finally made their big announcement.
Everyone in the media thought the new Taco Bell Doritos Locos Taco flavor was going to be Flamas Doritos flavored. Basically that’s a shell covered in a spicy red powder with a hint of lime. That’s kinda what the new flavor is but not exactly. The new flavor is called “Fiery Doritos Locos Taco” which is a shell covered in spicy red powder with a hint of lime. Same thing, different name. Maybe they were worried people wouldn’t be able to pronounce “Flamas” but either way the new flavor hits your favorite 4th meal location a week from tomorrow. So next weekend when you are coming home from the bars you’ll be able to tell your cab driver to stop through the drive thru to try out the new flavor. Tell him you’ll buy him one so he doesn’t charge you extra for the stop.